You may be aware that Waterpolo QLD have taken over the running of the Brisbane Waterpolo Competition for
2024-25 Season. As part of that process, it will require an additional step when you register. You will see a message that requires you to ask for a transfer.
Don’t be alarmed!!!! This is the process of transferring you to Polo Bears under the new Brisbane Metro Competition. It is a system issue. Go ahead and request the transfer!
Details of what you will receive:(1) Once you request the transfer you will be subsequently notified through an email from Polo Bears that your transfer is pending.
(2) You will have to then wait till you receive an email from WPQ that your transfer has been approved. It will ask you to complete your registration.
Copies of the emails you will receive are attached to this message.
Once you receive the second email from WPQ go ahead and register for the season using the link below.…There is a full set of instructions on how to register in the
Documents section of TeamApp if you can’t remember.
I apologise for the inconvenience but this has been caused by the change made by WPQ and is unavoidable. I have been told this will be a one off and will not be required again in the future.
Any questions, please let us know.
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